Special North Lanarkshire Council - Thursday 19 December 2019, 2:15pm - North Lanarkshire Council Webcasting
Special North Lanarkshire Council
Thursday, 19th December 2019 at 2:15pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Councillor Jean Jones
Councillor Louise Roarty
Councillor Jean Jones
Democratic Services Manager Andrew Rose
Councillor Jean Jones
Agenda item :
Agenda Item 1 - Declarations of Interest in terms of the Ethical Standards in Public Life Etc. (Scotland) Act 2000
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Agenda item :
Agenda Item 2 - 18/01785/PPP - Residential led mixed use development comprising of up to 523 residential units (Class 9) flexible commercial retail community uses (classes 1 2 3 4 10) access, landscaping, car park and associated development at Stirling Road Airdrie (page 5 - 22) Submit report by Head of Planning and Regeneration on an application for planning permission by Macrocom (1023) Limited
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Councillor Harry Curran
Councillor Jean Jones
Councillor Trevor Douglas
Councillor Jean Jones
Councillor Jean Jones
Webcast Finished